Interviews & Videos

Gene Decodes’ public interviews from various platforms are available here, all in one place. We will be adding more past interviews in the coming weeks.

Upcoming interviews are uploaded here within a few days of occurring. Topics are extensive and include Current Events, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), World Government, True History and more.

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Title: Patriot Underground - Gene Decode Interview #2, Part Two
Date: 2021-06-02
Title: B2t - Gene Decode Update! The Golden Proportion Of God
Date: 2021-06-01
Title: Nicholas Veniamin - Gene 6 Discusses Jesus' Clone, Anti-christ & Timelines
Date: 2021-06-01
Title: High Road To Humanity - Gene Shares Rare Footage Of Star Fighters & Galactics
Date: 2021-05-27
Title: Cirstenw - Gene Decode #40 Wuhan =tornadoes, Flooding, Dumbs
Date: 2021-05-26
Title: Prepare For Change - Gene Decode – Determining The Fate Of Mankind
Date: 2021-05-17
Title: Patriot Underground - Gene Decode Interview Pt. 1
Date: 2021-05-01
Title: Patriot Underground - Gene Decode Interview Pt. 2
Date: 2021-05-01
Title: Up Front In The Prophetic - We Are In The 11th Hour~ Moves & Counter Moves
Date: 2021-04-29
Title: Nicholas Veniamin - Gene Decode 5 Discusses Quantum Physics, Non-terrestrials & Timelines
Date: 2021-04-28
Title: As You Wish Talk Radio - Gene Decode
Date: 2021-04-25
Title: Galactic Talk - Gene • The Archons, Anunnaki , Inner Rivers, Invisible Wars, Dumbs Nuclear
Date: 2021-04-24
Title: B2t - Underground War Details! Gene Decode: Part 6 (oregon To Wyoming)
Date: 2021-04-23
Title: High Road To Humanity - Gene Decode Is Back On With Insight On Our Future
Date: 2021-04-21
Title: Cirstenw - Gene Decode #39 The Alliance, Evergiven, Weather Weapons, Dc Flood
Date: 2021-04-19