Interviews & Videos

Gene Decodes’ public interviews from various platforms are available here, all in one place. We will be adding more past interviews in the coming weeks.

Upcoming interviews are uploaded here within a few days of occurring. Topics are extensive and include Current Events, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), World Government, True History and more.

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Title: Cirstenw - Gene Decode #15 Redo Dumbs Of Canada & Mexico
Date: 2020-06-16
Title: Mcallister Tv - Conversation With Gene Deep State Decodes!
Date: 2020-06-07
Title: Mcallister Tv - Gene Decode #17 With Gene And Timothy Holmseth
Date: 2020-06-04
Title: Cirstenw - Gene #16 Derek Chauvin Mk Ultrad To Kill Cia Programming
Date: 2020-05-28
Title: B2t - Cabal's Trojan Horse. Gene Decode. Ai Counter Invasion!
Date: 2020-05-26
Title: Cirstenw - Gene #14 Clones And The Drqps
Date: 2020-05-15
Title: Cirstenw - Gene #13 Main Stream Mocking Bird Media In Control Of The News
Date: 2020-05-13
Title: B2t - Nobody Needed To Die! Gene Decode: What Not To Put Into Your Body
Date: 2020-05-04
Title: His Glory - Take Five Gene The Decoder Dumb's
Date: 2020-05-01
Title: Cirstenw - Gene Decode #12 Sumbs Update
Date: 2020-04-30
Title: B2t - Cult Symbols - Gene Decode: Part 1. New Q!
Date: 2020-04-30
Title: B2t - Underground War Details! Gene Decode: Part 7 New Q!
Date: 2020-04-28
Title: Cirstenw - Gene #11 Exclusive Pope Francis Arrested, Angela Merkel Arrest
Date: 2020-04-22
Title: B2t - Cure Cover Up! Merkel Germany Update By Gene
Date: 2020-04-21
Title: B2t - Underground War Details! Gene Decode: Part 5 (maryland, Oregon)
Date: 2020-04-17